Atha means Now

An Invitation for Presence and Practice


Thanks for your interest in learning more about Atha.

Pronounced “ah-tah”, this is a Sanskrit word with multiple meanings.

Atha is the first word in the Yoga Sutras,
the main philosophical text sharing the wisdom of this practice.

Atha Means, Now.

It calls us into the present moment for our practice. It reminds us that the practice is a continuous journey and there’s always an opportunity to begin and to begin again.

Yoga is so much more than the poses: it’s a rich philosophy, science, and way of life.

Yoga brings us home to ourselves, to experience our divine essence.

The by-products of the practice are a healthier body, a clearer mind, and a fulfilled heart. 💖

Learn more about Atha in the free learning video below, including a 20-minute movement practice.

I look forward to practicing with you soon.

Founder of Atha Yoga